Business Cards 101

In a pile of business cards, does yours stand out? Business cards are a reflection of your company and should be memorable. Although paper type is one of the most fun and important aspects to me as a designer, there are a few other things to consider.


The design of your business card should serve as a reflection of your company and relate to the nature of your business and brand. Incorporating elements from your website and other marketing materials not only creates a consistency but keeps your brand cohesive and recognizable.


This is where the concept “less is more” comes into play. While it’s important to incorporate elements that pertain to your brand, it’s also important to keep your business card simple and to the point.

A crowded business card tends to be difficult to read and could prompt someone to put it to the side or even worse throw it away. The main purpose of your business card is to provide a way to get in touch, so having that information stand out and clearly visible is key.


The font on your business card should match the look and feel of the design as well as the nature of your business. If the font that is used on your website and other materials is legible and easy to read then that is your safest way to go. If you happen to use a crazy, fun font, then choose a secondary font that is fitting to the business card so that it is legible.


Five designer favorites according to WEBS:


  • Swiss
  • Bodoni
  • Adelle
  • Futura
  • Helevetica


My favorites:


  • Lato
  • Open Sans
  • Museo (Regular, Sans, Slab)



Don’t be afraid to go for bold, bright colors that will stand out among the rest. A splash of color will instantly make your card more interesting and noticeable.

Once you get your concept, content, font & color all lined out, choose a substantial paper that is professional and fitting for your business. Also don’t forget to make it even more interesting by trying to use different sizes and shapes as well as using both sides of the card.

Sources: For more cool tips on business cards check out this infographic!, "How to Design the Best Business Card"